"You saved me tons of work"
— Tanner Moushey What They Say


Church Content Plugin 2.6.2 Resolves Event Issues

Version 2.6.1 of the Church Content plugin hardened security issue but at the same time introduced a bug affecting events and recurrence on some hosts. It also began requiring PHP 8. Version 2.6.2 resolves the event issues and also reduces the PHP version requirement to PHP 7.4 since there are still some hosts not yet offering PHP 8 (we still recommend PHP 8.1 or 8.2 as 7.4 has reached End of Life).

Time to Upgrade to PHP 8.1 or Newer

Update: Read about version 2.6.2 which fixes an events bug introduced by Church Content 2.6.1.

PHP versions 7.x and 8.0 have reached End of Life and no longer receive security updates. We highly recommend upgrading to PHP version 8.1 or 8.2 (recommending 8.1 in case any third-party plugins you are using are not ready for 8.2). Hold off on PHP 8.3 for now as the Church Content plugin version 2.6.1 (just released) is not yet compatible.

All Themes and Church Content Pro Updated

Jubilee, Saved, Maranatha, Exodus and Resurrect have been tested against WordPress 6.3 and updated with various bug fixes and compatibility changes (WordPress, Google Maps and PHP 8.2) to keep things running smoothly. The Church Content Pro plugin has also been updated. The base Church Content plugin does not need an update but has been tested against WordPress 6.3 to confirm compatibility.

Theme & Plugin Updates for WordPress 5.9

WordPress 5.9 is now available and we’ve made updates to each of our themes to maintain compatibility. These theme updates mainly concern block styling. Changes were made in WordPress 5.9 that required us to update our styling for blocks in the editor and on the frontend.

Update: Church Content plugin 2.6 was subsequently released on January 31 to resolve an issue with WordPress 5.9. Exodus 3.3.1 was released to resolve an issue with the Gallery template.

[Expired] 40% OFF: Black Friday & Cyber Monday (2021) – First 99 Customers

ChurchThemes.com Black Friday Cyber Monday 2021

Updated: This promotion has ended. Thank you to all who took advantage of our 2021 deal!

It’s that time of year again. We’re jumping on the bandwagon and beginning our deal early. We offered 30% off in 2019 and 35% in 2020. This year we’re offering 40% off which is the absolute biggest discount ever offered on ChurchThemes.com. If you’ve been waiting to get started with your new church site or have been considering upgrading, this is the best time.

All-around Improvements (Update Now)

Each of our themes and our Church Content Pro plugin have been updated for a better experience with WordPress 5.8 and PHP 8.

The core Church Content plugin did not need to be updated. Everything was reasonably compatible with WordPress 5.8 and PHP 8 before these updates so we waited a bit to release them after WordPress 5.8 came out in order to run through a list of minor bugs reported by users over the months. There are other improvements such as automatically linked phone numbers.

Deepest Discount Ever Offered for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

35% Off Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Deal Ended: Thank you for participating!

“Black Friday” seems to start earlier and earlier each year, doesn’t it? That takes away some of the magic but the good news is that online discounts are as strong as ever – at least here at ChurchThemes.com. So, here we are just slightly early having a lot of fun giving our biggest discount ever. Never have we created a coupon that saves this much. I hope you will take advantage of it by upgrading or joining us for the first time.

Best Sermons Plugin for WordPress: Building It

WP Sermons WordPress Plugin Development
WP Sermons logo and plugin development in Steven’s “kitchen office”.

UPDATE: (2022) This project has been canceled.

There is no ideal sermons plugin for WordPress. The plugins that exist now are either unattractive in appearance, lacking features, buggy and unsupported or don’t work with all the WordPress themes that are available. This is what I’ve observed and this is what I’ve been told by people over the years. The sermon WordPress plugins available now are not useless, but they are not ideal. Churches using WordPress deserve a sermons plugin that meshes perfectly with their theme, that is easy to use and that does everything they need.

We are working on such a plugin and it is called WP Sermons. This is our vision for it.