"Stellar Church WordPress Theme"
— ChurchMag What They Say

Time to Upgrade to PHP 8.1 or Newer

Update: Read about version 2.6.2 which fixes an events bug introduced by Church Content 2.6.1.

PHP versions 7.x and 8.0 have reached End of Life and no longer receive security updates. We highly recommend upgrading to PHP version 8.1 or 8.2 (recommending 8.1 in case any third-party plugins you are using are not ready for 8.2). Hold off on PHP 8.3 for now as the Church Content plugin version 2.6.1 (just released) is not yet compatible.

Upgrading to PHP 8.1 or 8.2

Your web hosting provider likely has a setting in their account area / control panel to change the PHP version for your site. You may also contact them to ask them to upgrade PHP to version 8.1 for you. If you are unsure which version you are using, you can find out in your WordPress admin area by going to Tools > Site Health > Info > Server.

Upgrading to Church Content 2.6.1

Simply navigate to Dashboard > Updates. Be sure you’ve updated to PHP 8+ first as this version of the Church Content plugin will produce an error when viewing the events calendar with PHP 7.x. We are requiring PHP version 8+ not only for security but also in preparation for PHP 8.3 compatibility as it is difficult to support both PHP 8.3 and 7.x, with how major the changes in 8.3 are.