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— Justin Tadlock What They Say

Make Your Church Website with WordPress (A Quick How To)

Launch your new church website the easy way with WordPress and one of our themes.

Are you new to website creation or WordPress? Let us help. This is a quick “How To” guide for making your new church website with WordPress. We help thousands of churches use WordPress and we’ll help you too. When you choose one of our Packages you get everything you need to reach more people with your new church website. To make things easy, all of our church WordPress themes, our plugin, guides with videos, helpful support and starter website content are all included.

Your Tools

  • WordPress is the most popular tool for building and managing websites. It’s easy and free with unlimited pages.
  • Themes change how WordPress sites look. Our themes are designed specifically for church websites.
  • Plugins add features to WordPress. Our Church Content plugin adds sermons, events, locations and more.
  • Hosting is where your website “lives” on the Internet. Our customers have a favorite that we can suggest to you.

Your Steps

It’s easy to Get Started making your church website with WordPress.

  1. Pick one of our Packages which include all of our themes and our plugin.
  2. Choose your web host (we have a recommendation if you need it).
  3. Install WordPress on your hosting (most hosts have automatic installation).
  4. Log into your WordPress site and install your favorite theme from our collection.

After this you will add content to your new church website and customize its appearance with simple settings. We include starter content so that you don’t have to begin from scratch. Our Guides with videos will walk you through everything. If you ever have questions, just Contact Us. We’re always happy to help!

PS. Read our About page to learn more about ChurchThemes.com and why we’re doing this.