"...outstanding support!"
— Ivaylo Zhelev What They Say

Church Content Plugin 2.4

WordPress 5.4 is scheduled for release at the end of the month.

Church Content plugin version 2.4 has been released. This version is ready for WordPress 5.4. Additionally, it fixes a bug that manifested on certain servers, improves the French translation, and updates the Google podcast submission URL. You can update by going to Dashboard > Updates.

Trouble After Updating?

If you updated within 60 minutes of the initial release then you may see an error on your website. If this is the case then you can resolve the issue by deleting and re-installing the plugin. You will not lose content or settings by doing this.

  • If you have admin access, go to Dashboard > Updates and update to version 2.4.1.
  • Otherwise, use FTP or your web host’s file manager to delete the church-theme-content folder in wp-content/plugins then reinstall the plugin by following these instructions.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact support if you need help.

Theme Updates Coming

We’re preparing our themes for WordPress 5.4 and will have updates ready before 5.4 is released. The biggest changes WordPress has introduced lately relate to the new block-based content editor.