"...outstanding support!"
— Ivaylo Zhelev What They Say

We’ve Gone Wide and Added More Information

Did you notice our design is a bit wider? That’s the trend these days (and will be true of our future themes). If you’re viewing with a desktop or laptop display having a higher resolution than was previously common, you’ll enjoy greater ease when reading this post, our guides and other content.

Speaking of other content, in addition to this new blog, we also added some more content to the site. We launched with a somewhat minimal website late last year because the priority was to make the Resurrect theme immediately available to churches. Now that the dust from our launch has settled and the making of our second theme is underway, we have a little breathing room, which afforded us some time to beef up the site’s content.

Content for All

We essentially have two types of customers: people who know what WordPress is and people who don’t. Our site is now more friendly towards people who are just discovering WordPress. We are also very aware that some people want to know the story behind a project. Who is there and what motivates them? Here are the new info pages on our website.

More to Come

We’ve always had meaty guides but expect other parts of our site to become more substantial as time goes on. Some things we have in mind are videos, a features wall, sites in action and an ideas board for suggesting and voting on new theme features. Our themes are all for churches so a feature that’s good for one will almost certainly be good for all.

What other information or features would you like to see on churchthemes.com?


  1. DOH!!

    I’ve just finished my website using Risen. I like Risen a lot but I love Exodus. You are right- the flat & wide look is much more modern.

    Next time!
    p.s How often, on average, do churches completely change the look of their site?

    • Hi Yvette,

      That’s a good question and I’m not sure I have a conclusive answer. I’ve seen some churches switch from my older Risen theme to our new Resurrect theme after only a few months. Some people are using Risen after one and a half years (as long as it’s been available). If I look around at church websites in general I think I can safely assume some have stuck with the same design for five or more years.

      I may be able to give a better answer after a couple more years of seeing how churches use our themes. Switching themes is something we’ve considered with Resurrect, Exodus and future themes sold on churchthemes.com. Since they all use the same plugin, theme switching will be a somewhat simple affair (no need to re-enter content which is tied to the plugin and not a specific theme).

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