"I highly recommend"
— Michael Dexter What They Say

Media Embeds

WordPress has several blocks for adding audio, video and other media into the content of pages and posts (including the events, locations, people, etc.). Our themes automatically make most of this media as generic as possible (for example, removing the “related videos” that normally show after a YouTube video ends.

External Media

You can embed media from sites like YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud.

  1. Click + to choose a block
  2. Click the Embeds category of blocks
  3. Choose your service (e.g. YouTube)
  4. Paste the URL of the video
  5. Click Embed

Media Embed

You can also just type /youtube or /vimeo (or whichever media service you use) to go straight to the appropriate block. Here’s an example for Vimeo.

Media Embed Short

Uploaded Media

You can upload video and audio files directly to WordPress and embed a player.

  1. Click + to choose a block
  2. Search for “video” or “audio” then choose the correct block
  3. Click Upload or Media Library
  4. Choose or upload your video

Video Block

Here’s another example for audio that uses a shortcut.

Audio Embed Short


  • We recommend hosting video externally on a site like YouTube due to the size of video files (see External Media above). Most web hosts are not ideal for video hosting while free external services are.
  • You can prevent YouTube ads from showing on your videos.
  • See File Uploads if you receive an error saying your file size is too large for uploading.

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