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A Note on Gutenberg Support

Gutenberg Callout

Update: Our themes and plugins are now compatible with WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor.

Gutenberg is the new “page building” editor that will be included with WordPress 5.0 a few months from now. WordPress 4.9.8 was recently released. It asks you if you want to test the beta version of Gutenberg or if you want to stick with the “Classic” editor (what we all use now). We’re wrapping up Gutenberg support for our themes and intend to have the updates available by the time WordPress 5.0 is released. Until then, we recommend using the classic editor for your live site.

Gutenberg is poised to be the future of WordPress so we’re excited to support it. It will let you create page content by choosing and arranging a series of “blocks”. For example, there are heading and paragraph blocks, image and gallery blocks, blocks for quotations, etc. Themes will be able to style these new blocks and plugins will be able to add custom blocks. Gutenberg will create many new possibilities. With that said, if you end up preferring the classic editor, you’ll still be able to use it.

Thank you for your patience while we work to release Gutenberg support as well as our Church Content Pro plugin and new plan-based pricing that will give you convenient access to all themes. Please Contact Us if you ever have questions.