"I saved our church A TON of money..."
— Eric Johnson What They Say

Exodus Homepage

You can customize your homepage. This theme has a slider, highlights, intro message and widgets.

Add Your Homepage

If you imported the Starter Content, this should have been done automatically. Otherwise, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to PagesAdd New.
  2. Optionally enter a title and short message to appear as an intro on the homepage.
  3. Click Document, then…
  4. Under Template, choose “Homepage”.
  5. Click Publish… then Publish again to confirm.
  6. Go to SettingsReading.
  7. Set Front page displays to “static page”.
    • Set Front page to the page you just added.
    • Set Posts page to your Blog page, if you have one.
Exodus Add Homepage

How to add your homepage


You can show a slider at the top of the homepage and rotate images with titles that link to other pages on your site. This is useful for welcoming the visitor, announcing events and so on. You can use it for whatever you think of.

Adding a Slide

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > WidgetsHomepage Slider.
  2. Click Add a Widget then CT Slide.
  3. Enter title, image, etc. Image is required (even when using a video).
  4. Repeat for additional slides in your slider.
  5. Click Publish at the top to save your changes.
Exodus Add Slide

How to add a slide to your homepage

Reordering, Editing and Deleting Slides

See the Widgets guide for related information such as how to reorder, edit and delete.

Slider Options

Use the Customizer to change the slider’s speed and whether or not it automatically rotates through slides.


Highlights are small blocks of content that link to another page. They are useful for showing a small image and message representing an important part of your site, such as service times, location or “What to Expect”. See the Exodus demo‘s homepage for an example.

Adding a Highlight

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > WidgetsHomepage Highlights.
  2. Click Add a Widget then CT Highlight.
  3. Enter title, image, etc.
  4. Repeat for additional highlights on your homepage.
  5. Click Publish at the top to save your changes.
Exodus Add Highlight

How to add a highlight widget to your homepage

Reordering, Editing and Deleting Highlights

See the Widgets guide for related information such as how to reorderedit and delete.

Intro Message

You may want to add a short welcome message to the homepage.

  • Go to PagesAll Pages
  • Click on the page you added as homepage to edit it.
  • Enter a title and a sentence or two of content to appear on the homepage.
  • Click Update.

Removing the Intro Area

If you don’t want an intro to show on the homepage, set both the title and content blank on the page using the Homepage template.

Important: If you are using a search engine optimization plugin such as Yoast SEO, be sure to fill in a title and meta description for your homepage using the plugin’s options.

Homepage Widgets

Exodus has space toward the bottom of the homepage for showing any widget.

  • Go to Appearance > CustomizeWidgets.
  • Click Homepage Bottom Left or Homepage Bottom Right.
  • Click Add a Widget to add a widget.
  • Click Publish at the top to save your changes.

See the Widgets guide for information on available widgets.