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How can we show a notice for a canceled event?

Sometimes when there is a severe weather situation or holiday you may need to cancel an event. There are several ways you can notify visitors to your website. You may wish to use one or multiple approaches depending on your situation.

  1. Our Church Content Pro plugin has a feature for setting Excluded Dates on an event. When you set an excluded date, that event will not show on the calendar or upcoming events list for that date.
  2. You can use a widget on your homepage to tell users of a cancelation. For example, with the Saved theme you can add a CT Section with short height to the top of your homepage.
  3. There are notify bar plugins like Announcer that you can use. A plugin like this may interfere with the theme’s “sticky” menu (since a notify bar can also be “sticky”). If you run into that issue, try placing the bar at the bottom.
  4. A popup plugin can also be useful if you want the notice to be unavoidable.