"...a huge hit with our congregation."
— Dan Odle What They Say

How can we handle giving?

Online giving of tithes and offerings can be handled in a number of ways. Our favorite solution is provided by Tithe.ly. We’ve written a tutorial on how you can integrate a “Give” button from Tithe.ly on your website. It’s very easy to setup and integrates well with our themes.

Using Tithe.ly’s Online Giving with WordPress

Here are other options to consider. Let’s start with some WordPress plugins.

Other services that you can link to from your WordPress site are:

We have not tried all of these so we would appreciate hearing what works well for you so we can keep this guide up to date with the best recommendations.

Note: If you will be embedding a payment form directly on a page on your site, you should have an SSL Certificate installed on your hosting. See HTTPS for WordPress: Auto-enable SSL for Free.