"...a complete please to use!"
— Cam Hart What They Say

Tag: video

Twenty Video Tutorials

Videos Tutorial

If you follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter, you know that we’ve been producing video tutorials. We’re happy to announce that they’re done and ready.

Now you can find 20 video tutorials peppered throughout our Guides. Most videos are about five minutes in length. They show you exactly what to do, step by step. You can find a complete listing on the Video Tutorials page.

Church Website Design Without Hiring a Web Designer

Church Website Design Customization

Custom church website design is an expensive service. In the old days if you wanted a unique look for your church website, you needed web design skill. If you couldn’t code, you had to pay a church website designer to do it for you. Those days are over for many churches.

Our church WordPress themes take advantage of one of the best features in WordPress, the Theme Customizer.

You can customize design elements like colors, fonts, logo and more using the Theme Customizer — no web design skill required. Changes are shown in a real-time preview. This lets you experiment and get everything right before unveiling the design customizations to actual website visitors.

How to embed audio and video players in WordPress

Outdated: The information in this article is outdated. See our Media Embeds guide instead. It shows you how WordPress 5.0’s media embed blocks work.

WordPress 3.6 has been released and one of it’s best new features is the ability to embed audio and video players for uploaded media directly into post or page content. The excellent MediaElement.js JavaScript library is used to output an HTML5 or Flash player, depending on the browser and device, for near-total compatibility. This is a very well-regarded script and is now included in WordPress core for native functionality and for theme/plugin authors to leverage.

In preparing guides for the imminent churchthemes.com launch, I was surprised not to find multiple tutorials explaining to regular users how they can use this new feature. Just this morning I was asked by a customer if it was possible to show a player for an uploaded MP3 file. The answer a few weeks ago would have been to use a plugin. The answer today is yes, WordPress can do that. Here’s how.