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How can I choose the image Facebook shows when sharing?

When sharing a page, post, sermon, etc., Facebook automatically chooses what it thinks may be the best image from your page. As a result of this automation, the image that Facebook shows is not always the best. The good news is that it is possible to tell Facebook which image to use. Here are some free plugins that can help.

  • Yoast SEO will tell Facebook to use the Featured Image automatically. This makes things really easy. This plugin does a whole lot more and we recommend it for helping to improve search engine and social media visiblity on all church WordPress sites.
  • Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags is a smaller plugin that will do the same thing and is a good choice if you do not want the full set of Yoast SEO features. It is also handy in the case that you don’t want to set a Featured Image. Instead of using that, it will let you choose an image specifically for Facebook.

Note: Facebook caches shares so it will show the old version for a few hours (or maybe days). You can wait or use this tool to clear the cache. For more on how this works, see How to Clear the Facebook Share Cache.