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How can I change the style of my theme? Can I edit CSS?

Go to Appearance > Customize to see what built-in options your theme provides for colors, fonts, background, header, footer, uploading your logo, etc. Read the Customizer guide for more information. No design or coding skill is necessary to use the built-in style options. The included Customizer options provided by your theme are suitable for all but very specialized needs.

If you want to accomplish something very unique for your site that cannot be achieved using the theme-provided options (such as adding your own CSS styles), there are several things you can do yourself or you can hire a professional to do the custom work for you. Here are some resources.

  • Click Additional CSS in the Customizer to add your own styles (since WordPress 4.7)
  • Child Theming – child theming can accomplish virtually any customization imaginable
  • Customization Services – you can hire a professional to make your customization for you

Please be aware that assistance with custom coding or design falls outside of our Support Policy.