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You may want to create a page that visitors can use to contact you. The Locations feature can be used for maps, directions, service times, etc. so on this page you may just want a contact form and possibly a sidebar with widgets for locations and staff.

Contact Page

Add the Page

  1. Go to Pages > Add New.
  2. Enter a title and any content you want.
  3. Click Document, then…
  4. Under Template, choose”Contact” (if available with your theme).
  5. Optionally set a Featured Image.
  6. Click Publish.

Contact Form

You are free to use any contact form plugin but we include styling for one of the most popular ones, Contact Form 7. In other words, it will look nice without any extra work on your part.

The way most contact form plugins work is you follow their steps to build a custom form in WordPress then paste a shortcode into your content where you want that form to appear. There is a shortcode block for adding shortcodes. Some plugins will have their own block for inserting the contact form. Please follow the instructions provided with your contact form plugin.

Sidebar Widgets

This applies to themes that support sidebars, such as Exodus and Resurrect.

If you want to show a sidebar on your contact page, set Template to “Contact” when adding or editing your contact page (this is in the Document panel on the right side). You can then go to Appearance > CustomizeWidgets to add widgets into the Contact Sidebar.

You can show any widgets in a sidebar but there are several widgets especially useful for the contact sidebar.

  • CT People – list staff members (People feature) with links to their contact information
  • CT Locations – list your Locations with map, address, etc.

Please read the Widgets guide for more information.